The Community Radio Station covering Central-Southern Dorset, run by volunteers and not-for-profit

KeeP 106 logo
Dorchester from The Keep
Queen Mother Square
Custom House Quay, Weymouth, England
Chesil Beach from Portland
The Little Keep
OB car and banners
Lions Summer Fest
Tutankhamun Exhibition
A sign board
Judge Jeffreys restaurant and lodgings
The Corn Exchange
The Old Tea House
Nick Billings at The Mayor's MishMash
Rob Mott, Steve Bulley and Dave Goulden
DTC 50th Anniversary in Borough Gardens 2024
KeeP 6th Birthday get-together at Chesil Beach 02
KeeP 6th Birthday get-together at Chesil Beach 08
KeeP 6th Birthday get-together at Chesil Beach 06
Dorchester from The Keep
Queen Mother Square
Custom House Quay, Weymouth, England
Chesil Beach from Portland
OB car and banners
Lions Summer Fest 05
Tutankhamun Exhibition
Way signboard
Judge Jeffreys
Corn Exchange
Old Tea House
Nick Billings at The Mayor's MishMash
Rob Mott, Steve Bulley and Dave Goulden
DTC 50th Anniversary in Borough Gardens 2024
KeeP 6th Birthday get-together at Chesil Beach 02
KeeP 6th Birthday get-together at Chesil Beach 08
KeeP 6th Birthday get-together at Chesil Beach 06
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The Community Radio Station covering Central-Southern Dorset, run by volunteers and not-for-profit

Local charity provides counselling to 89 key workers during pandemic

The Dorchester Trust for Counselling and Psychotherapy (DTCP) was set up in 2005 by Dr Mary Lister Ashby to provide local people with low-cost counselling. Since then, the charity has supported hundreds of people living in Dorchester and the surrounding areas who may not have otherwise been able to access support.

DTCP’s free counselling for key worker scheme was set up in April 2020 in response to the Covid-19 pandemic to offer support to local key workers because of the increased stress and pressure on them during a very challenging time. It ran until June 2021. Six free sessions were provided – and in exceptional circumstances 12 sessions. A total of 89 local people were supported by the scheme which involved 20 counsellors who offered their services at a reduced cost. The service was nominated by one of its recipients for BBC Radio 4’s 2021 All in the Mind Awards.

People received support with a wide range of issues including stress and anxiety at work, family and relationship problems and grief and loss. Key workers from a wide variety of settings including NHS staff, police, military, supermarket workers, teachers and care workers were supported.

Comments from those supported include:

“I feel privileged for the support the trust has provided. It has been incredibly valuable during a very difficult time.”

“Time to talk has been invaluable to make sense of my current life situation.”

“The recent pandemic has affected so many people in different ways and for some has heightened the struggles with their mental health as well as re-surfacing demons which they thought had gone away but having the counselling sessions has now changed my direction. This is a fantastic service and I cannot thank you enough.” 

A comment from a counsellor involved in the scheme:

“The benefits of our key worker scheme were evidenced every week when, standing outside our front doors, or open windows, our local careworkers passed by as we cheered them on their weary ways home. Knowing DTCP were funded to offer free support to all those working on the front-line, together with the positive feedback I had from those whom I saw, made me proud to be a part of this scheme. Thank you to each and every funder who enabled us to provide this service.”

You can find out more about DTCP via their website

Dr Mary Lister Ashby

Founder, Dr Mary Lister Ashby