The Community Radio Station covering Central-Southern Dorset, run by volunteers and not-for-profit

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Dorchester from The Keep
Queen Mother Square
Poundbury Fountain
Dorchester Borough Gardens
Custom House Quay, Weymouth, England
Chesil Beach from Portland
The area north of Dorchester
Heritage Open Days - Maumbury Rings event 180921
Thomas Hardy statue
Keep Military Museum
Dorset Museum front exterior
Shire Hall front
In the damp conditions the beacon is finally alight after a couple of attempts
Dorchester from The Keep
Queen Mother Square
Poundbury Fountain
Dorchester Borough Gardens
Custom House Quay, Weymouth, England
Chesil Beach from Portland
The area north of Dorchester
HOD Maumbury Rings 180921 04
Thomas Hardy statue
Keep Military Museum 4
Dorset Museum front exterior 270522
Shire Hall front
Beacon 2023 01
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The Community Radio Station covering Central-Southern Dorset, run by volunteers and not-for-profit

Get behind Dorchester’s Upcoming Children’s Carnival

Residents are being urged to get behind Dorchester’s upcoming Children’s Carnival which will take place on Saturday 6th July 2019.

The call comes from The Prince of Wales School Headteacher, Mr. Gary Spracklen who says, “we urge residents to support the first ever Dorchester Children’s Carnival”.

Mr. Spracklen explains, ‘The ‘Children’s Carnival’ is the first of it’s kind for the area and it’s aim is to celebrate the work of local children’s groups, societies and organisations’

To date, a wider range of groups have already signed up, including Weymouth Lifeguards, Dorchester Army and Air Cadets, Dorchester YMCA Gymnastics Group, a host of local Brownie and Guide Groups and representatives from various Martial Arts groups.

The carnival will take place on Saturday 6th July 2019 and will welcome participants to join a parade which will begin in The Buttermarket, Poundbury.
Mr. Spracklen explains that, ‘the theme for the children’s carnival will be a ‘Celebration of Uniforms’ making it the perfect opportunity for children to wear their Brownie, Cub or Cadet uniforms with pride!’ He adds that, ‘all local children’s groups, societies and organisations are welcome’.

Mr. Spracklen states that ‘individual entries are also welcome from children dressed in fancy dress uniform. Our aim is to be a fully inclusive event’.
Parade Marshal and Girl Guide Leader Mrs. Linda Scott speaking about the new carnival concept said, ‘Children should be at the heart of any good community carnival and it’s great to see the team at The Prince of Wales School, The Prince of Wales School Association (POWSA) and Boo’s Toy Shop, Poundbury come together to fill a void left by the absence of Dorchester Carnival this year. There will be plenty of places for parents, carers and members of the public to view the procession in particular along Holmead Walk, Poundbury which provides raised grass bank areas for excellent viewpoints of the procession’.

The procession will conclude at The Prince of Wales School at around 12:00pm where the 2019 POWSA Summer Fayre will be in full flow! The Summer Fayre will include food, refreshments, games, activities and a host of entertainment – all adding to the carnival vibe.

To register your club/society’s interest in the 2019 Dorchester Children’s Carnival, please email for a registration form.

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