Looking round the world today, there isn’t too much to laugh about, but Casterbridge Speakers is inviting you to do just that – to have a laugh for a couple of hours. Six members of Casterbridge Speakers will be competing for the Club’s annual humorous speech competition at the Wessex Royale Hotel, Dorchester on September 18th at 7.15pm. The competitors will deliver prepared speeches on a subject of their choice for 5- 7 minutes. Whatever the topic, they will be judged on structure and delivery as well as a humorous content.
This event is followed by a Table Topics competition, where four brave contestants speak for 1- 2 minutes on a subject they are given just moments beforehand. This demonstrates the skill of quick thinking, impromptu speaking.
The two winners will go forward to represent Dorchester against other Dorset clubs at the Area competition on November 9th in Bournemouth. Casterbridge Speakers have had finalists win through to the national event for the last two years, so the standards are high. These competitions are part of the Toastmasters International programme, which is taking place in 113 countries around the world.
Visitors are welcome to attend for free and are guaranteed a funny and informative evening.
Listen to our interview with Rosie Barfoot from Casterbridge Speakers here
If you are interested in improving your speaking and leadership skills, visit www.casterbridgespeakers.org.uk or you are very welcome on the first or third Wednesday of the month at 7.15pm at the Wessex Royale Hotel.