The popular Weymouth Beach Race, which was scheduled for October 18th, has unfortunately been cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic. Below is the statement posted by an official of the event.
If you have already entered full refunds will be given.
The Weymouth Beach Race has been running since 1984 and has been an integral part of the AMCA motocross calendar as well as a huge boost to the local economy and was set to run on Sunday 18th October.
Andy Coombs from Purbeck MXC, the organisers of the event, has said:
“We have cancelled for this year as the organisation of the event takes many months and involves many meetings with the local council, police, harbour master and the local Lions committee. Unfortunately, no meetings have been held so far this year. It is also now time to start spending out on things for the event for us and the Lions club, so with the likelihood that the event will not be able to run it is with regret the decision has been made to cancel.”