The Community Radio Station covering Central-Southern Dorset, run by volunteers and not-for-profit

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In the damp conditions the beacon is finally alight after a couple of attempts
Dorchester from The Keep
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The Community Radio Station covering Central-Southern Dorset, run by volunteers and not-for-profit

Grant giving charity funds vital children’s care throughout lockdown

Talbot Village Trust donated £30,000 to Julia’s House to help the charity’s nurses provide an enhanced level of care for vulnerable children with life-shortening conditions during lockdown.

In response to COVID-19, the charity needed to adapt its care system by safely delivering its services in the home. A portion of the Trust’s funding was therefore used to cover the costs of both standard and specialist PPE equipment, that was required to keep families and nurses safe at this time. More frequent home visits were also needed to avoid children’s contact with hospitals throughout lockdown, so additional travel expenses were also covered for around-the-clock care.

The charity’s team of nurses provided 165 expert care sessions throughout July, which is more than any other month in the past three years for Julia’s House.

Commenting on the support Julia’s House received, Chief Executive, Martin Edwards, said: “We are extremely grateful to Talbot Village Trust for helping to fund this vital outreach care, which means so much for isolated families. With NHS services having to focus on hospital care during the pandemic, Julia’s House was is in some cases, the only health service reaching out to vulnerable children at home.”

Russell Lucas-Rowe, Trustee at Talbot Village Trust, added: “Lockdown was an exceptionally difficult time for so many people, with many feeling isolated and alone. The staff at Julia’s House went above and beyond to ensure care was delivered to all those who needed it. At the Trust, we are exceptionally proud to have supported such a worthy cause.”

Julia’s House provides regular respite care and support, as well as emergency and end-of-life care across Dorset and Wiltshire. Working holistically with the whole family, including parents, siblings and grandparents, the charity helps to break the cycle of anxiety and isolation associated with caring for a sick relative.

Talbot Village Trust’s COVID-19 Support Fund was launched in response to the need for funding to help organisations that were adversely affected by the pandemic. Applications for the fund have now closed, but the Trust is now accepting grant applications for its usual fund, before the Trustees meet in spring 2021. Please go to for more information.

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