All children from The Prince of Wales School in Dorchester returned to learning on Wednesday 2nd September 2020 following their Summer Holiday Break.
Headteacher Mr Gary Spracklen speaking about the children’s return said, “The start of a new school year is always an exciting time for both children and staff. This year, more than any other, we know that we are coming back stronger than ever before. As a school we rose to the challenge of COVID-19 quickly launching a full virtual school programme.
This virtual programme was supported with a range of additional activities that included weekly phone calls home to all pupils, food parcels, physical resource deliveries, the loan of school equipment (including desks, chairs and Chromebooks) and virtual ELSA sessions (as required). This provision has been sustained throughout the summer holidays for our most vulnerable children and I am very thankful to our incredible staff team who have made this happen”.
Speaking about the return, Year 3 pupil Cameron said, “It’s brilliant to be back! We love learning at The Prince of Wales School – it’s the greatest school on earth!”.
Year 4 pupil Evie adds, “Our school was one of the first in the country to re-open to all children back in June but now even more children are in! It’s brilliant to see our friends, our teachers and continue with our inspiring learning opportunities”.
The Prince of Wales School will be hosting an Open Morning for Prospective Children (Reception Cohort 2021) on Wednesday 14th October from 09:30 am – 12:00 pm. Those wishing to attend should pre-register their interest by emailing –