COVID-19 cases in the Dorset Council area: 365 cases in the last 7 days, 96.4 rate per 100,000 in the last 7 days, trend in cases is decreasing slightly.
Public Health update on COVID-19 cases in Dorset
New national restrictions to reduce the spread of COVID-19 have been in place for a week. It will take a couple of weeks for us to understand the potential impact of these restrictions on our local situation.
We need Dorset residents to play their part in bringing cases down. This will put us in the best possible place to return to fewer restrictions after national measures end.
Between 1 and 7 November, there were 365 confirmed positive cases in the Dorset Council area.
More details from Public Health Dorset
Stay at home – do your bit
Many cases of COVID in Dorset result from visits between different households. Remember – during this lockdown you should not be visiting other homes and no one should visit your home. Do your bit so we can keep case numbers down and exit lockdown to a safe and less-restricted Dorset.
See full guidance on the restrictions on the Gov.UK website
What to do if you feel unwell, or live with someone who is unwell
Get a test now and don’t leave home for at least 10 days if you have either:
- a high temperature – you feel hot to touch on your chest or back
- a new, continuous cough – this means you’ve started coughing repeatedly
- loss or change in sense or smell or taste
- You could be fined if you do not stay at home and self-isolate following a positive test for COVID-19
Financial help may be available to you if you are self-isolating and on a low income and/or receiving benefits.
You can find more information and advice about COVID-19 on the NHS website.