The Community Radio Station covering Central-Southern Dorset, run by volunteers and not-for-profit

KeeP 106 logo
Dorchester from The Keep
Queen Mother Square
Poundbury Fountain
Dorchester Borough Gardens
Custom House Quay, Weymouth, England
Chesil Beach from Portland
The area north of Dorchester
Heritage Open Days - Maumbury Rings event 180921
Thomas Hardy statue
Keep Military Museum
Dorset Museum front exterior
Shire Hall front
In the damp conditions the beacon is finally alight after a couple of attempts
Dorchester from The Keep
Queen Mother Square
Poundbury Fountain
Dorchester Borough Gardens
Custom House Quay, Weymouth, England
Chesil Beach from Portland
The area north of Dorchester
HOD Maumbury Rings 180921 04
Thomas Hardy statue
Keep Military Museum 4
Dorset Museum front exterior 270522
Shire Hall front
Beacon 2023 01
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The Community Radio Station covering Central-Southern Dorset, run by volunteers and not-for-profit

Abbey Hill Steam Rally CANCELLED for 2021

Due to the ongoing situation with coronavirus, the team behind this popular event have made the decision not to run Abbey Hill Steam Rally in 2021.

Whilst they had hoped to be able to be able to run a show this year, it clear that this will not be possible due to the show being held in the early part of the year.

Abbey Hill Steam Rally remains optimistic that the show will return in 2022 and the committee remains committed to the future of the show.

The organisers would like to thank everyone for their continued support for the steam rally and they hope to see you in 2022.

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