The Community Radio Station covering Central-Southern Dorset, run by volunteers and not-for-profit

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Dorchester from The Keep
Queen Mother Square
Poundbury Fountain
Dorchester Borough Gardens
Custom House Quay, Weymouth, England
Chesil Beach from Portland
The area north of Dorchester
Heritage Open Days - Maumbury Rings event 180921
Thomas Hardy statue
Keep Military Museum
Dorset Museum front exterior
Shire Hall front
In the damp conditions the beacon is finally alight after a couple of attempts
Dorchester from The Keep
Queen Mother Square
Poundbury Fountain
Dorchester Borough Gardens
Custom House Quay, Weymouth, England
Chesil Beach from Portland
The area north of Dorchester
HOD Maumbury Rings 180921 04
Thomas Hardy statue
Keep Military Museum 4
Dorset Museum front exterior 270522
Shire Hall front
Beacon 2023 01
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The Community Radio Station covering Central-Southern Dorset, run by volunteers and not-for-profit

Have Your Say on the Dorset Harbours Strategy

The draft Dorset Harbours Strategy has been approved for public consultation and Dorset Council is now seeking views to build a strategy that is supported by communities and stakeholders.

Dorset Council is developing a Harbours Strategy to guide the development of Bridport, Lyme Regis and Weymouth harbours over the next ten years. The Dorset Coast Forum has been working with the Harbours’ Committee to help develop this new strategy which will unify the three harbours under Dorset Council management while recognising the unique qualities of each harbour.

As part of this work, Dorset Coast Forum carried out initial public consultation in Autumn 2020 and has been using this feedback, working alongside a strategy subgroup of the Harbours Committee to help guide the development of the strategy. The Harbours Committee has already asked for feedback on the draft strategy as part of the strategy development from the Harbour Consultative Groups and key stakeholders and is now asking for views from the wider public.

Cllr Mark Roberts, Chairman of the Dorset Council Harbours Committee, told KeeP 106: “We are pleased with the progress of the draft strategy so far and now are urging people to get involved in helping us in finalising the Dorset Harbour Strategy. We are particularly keen to hear your views on the harbour’s strategic goals and the actions around achieving those goals. We need to ensure this strategy sets achievable aspirations on how the harbours are managed so that they can thrive and continue to be at the heart of our coastal towns”.

Once this feedback has been reviewed the final strategy is scheduled to be submitted to the Dorset Council Harbours Committee for approval in March 2022.
The online survey opens on Monday 11 October and will be open for 8 weeks, closing at midnight on 5 December 2021.

To download the Dorset Harbours draft strategy and complete the survey: visit

Paper copies of the survey are available on request by contacting or 01305 224833 or at the Harbour Master Offices.

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