The Jurassic Tennis Ladder, now in it’s fourth year, will commence on 1st April 2022.
The ladder has gone from strength to strength and, despite Covid restrictions last year, still managed to see over 140 matches played.
Last year’s winner was Matt Barrett (Pictured left), from Dorchester, will return from University later in the summer to defend his title.
A spokesman, from the ladder, told KeeP 106: “The standard of the ladder is mainly park players but there are a few tennis club players so the competition should appeal to all. There will be prize money paid to the winner, runner up and third placed player. We are also creating a new prize this year for the player who shows the greatest improvement over the 5 month period.
“Anyone who likes playing singles has the opportunity to challenge other players in the south Dorset area to a game at one of the many venues which are mentioned on the website. ”
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