Low-income households in the Dorset Council area can apply for the next round of the Household Support Fund to help with rising costs. Applications open at 9am on Monday 9 January 2023.
Dorset Council has been awarded funding from the Governments Household Support Fund to support households in the most need. The support will be in the form of supermarket vouchers. Citizens Advice will be allocating this fund on behalf of Dorset Council and vouchers will be issued to residents who meet the eligibility criteria.
Residents can apply if they have:
- an annual household net income of less than £30,000 and
- savings of less than £16,000 and
- not already applied to the fund in November 2022
Calculations for the annual net income should not include Personal Independence Payments, Disability Living Allowance, Attendance Allowance, Carers Allowance or Child Benefit. Applications are limited to one per household.
Cllr Laura Beddow, Dorset Council Portfolio Holder for Culture, Communities and Customer Services said:
“We are pleased that the Household Support Fund has been extended to cover the autumn winter period. This will allow us to support more of our residents during this time.
Funds are limited and will close as soon as they have all been allocated, so please act fast. When we opened applications in November they filled up quickly.”
Residents should apply online. The webpage will be updated at 9am on Monday 9 January with the application form. Find more details here: https://www.dorsetcouncil.gov.uk/household-support-fund
If applicants need help completing their form, they can telephone Customer Services on 01305 221000 or visit a customer access point.
This third round of the fund has allowed the continued distribution of school holiday food vouchers to those who receive free school meals, during the October half-term, Christmas holidays, February half-term and Easter Holidays. Further funds are being allocated via Age UK and discretionary funds within the councils Children’s Services locality and care leaver teams.