The Community Radio Station covering Central-Southern Dorset, run by volunteers and not-for-profit

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Dorchester from The Keep
Queen Mother Square
Custom House Quay, Weymouth, England
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OB car and banners
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Tutankhamun Exhibition
Way signboard
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Nick Billings at The Mayor's MishMash
Rob Mott, Steve Bulley and Dave Goulden
DTC 50th Anniversary in Borough Gardens 2024
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The Community Radio Station covering Central-Southern Dorset, run by volunteers and not-for-profit

Police campaign to target drivers of agricultural vehicles

Dorset Police have launched a campaign today, Thursday 3 August, which focuses on the consequences of using mobile phones while driving agricultural vehicles and heavy machinery on roads.

Using a mobile phone while driving is one of the five most common reasons for road deaths, known as the ‘Fatal Five’. Others include driving at an excessive speed, not wearing a seatbelt, driving under the influence of drugs or alcohol and careless or inconsiderate driving.

Since the beginning of 2021, there have been 702 collisions resulting in fatalities or serious injuries on Dorset roads; 7 of these collisions occurred as a result of mobile phone use.

Officers from Dorset Police are hoping to change the behaviour of drivers by highlighting the consequences of being caught using a mobile phone whilst driving. This applies to those making calls or sending texts, but also those taking photos, checking emails or changing a playlist.

Roads Casualty Reduction Officer, Jason Green, of Dorset Police, said: “It might seem like a small thing – momentarily picking up your phone to read a quick text or give somebody a call – but we’ve seen that these kinds of decisions can have devastating consequences.

“Each year, we investigate many serious or fatal road traffic collisions and some of them could have been prevented.”

During the last two years, Dorset Police have issued 517 fixed penalty notices to motorists who were caught using a mobile phone while driving.

PC Jason Green continued, “You are far more likely to be involved in a serious injury or fatal collision if you use your phone while driving. Please don’t put others at risk – keep your eyes on the road and your hands on the wheel.”

The punishment for using a handheld mobile phone when driving is six penalty points and a £200 fine.

New drivers, who have passed their test within the last 24 months, also risk having their licence revoked if they accrue six or more penalty points within that period.

Police are reminding drivers that the law still applies if you are:

  • Stopped at traffic lights
  • Queuing in traffic
  • Supervising a learner driver
  • Driving a car fitted with stop/start technology that switches the engine off when you come to a stop
  • Holding and using a device that’s offline or in ‘flight mode’

PC Jason Green concluded: “Sadly, too many people continue to be killed or seriously injured on our roads, which is why it’s so important to avoid any unnecessary distractions when you’re driving.”

Dorset Police and Crime Commissioner, David Sidwick, added: “Being safe on the road is vital no matter what vehicle you drive, and any death on Dorset’s roads is a tragedy. I wholeheartedly support Dorset Police’s campaign reminding drivers to keep their eyes on the road and their hands off their phone.

The cost to those caught using their phone may well be financial – but, to someone involved in an accident caused by a driver using a mobile phone, it may well be life-changing. Quite simply – when you decide to use your phone behind the wheel you are putting your own and others’ lives at risk. The solution is simple – don’t use your mobile phone whilst driving.”

Dorset Police are asking the public to assist them in making the roads safer by providing any evidence of drivers using mobile phones. Video footage (i.e. dashcam, cyclecam, helmetcam and others) can be uploaded to the dedicated force website: and can be used as evidence to prosecute offenders.
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