Damers First School have unveiled an amazing Butterfly Totem Pole in their school grounds overlooking the Great Field on Poundbury.
The wooden, carved Butterfly Totem Pole came about through an Art Exhibition the school took part in with Poundbury Arts organised by Judy Tate. The Exhibition was called It’s up to Us, after a book with the same name by Christopher Lloyd forwarded by King Charles. Each year group focused on a different artist from the book. Year 3 made a wonderful ceramic totem pole (inside the school) with a ceramic artist and they wanted another totem pole to go with this for their outside area.
Edd Moore from the school said: “We came across Victor’s impressive wood carving work at the Poundbury Arts Exhibition and we thought we had to have Victor Krause working with the children on the totem pole.
“Victor worked with teacher Nicky Simmonds and Year 4 to design the totem pole. Having butterflies was really important to the children as they are part of the Damers school logo and also our strand names. They are also part of a natural cycle that keeps on going. The totem pole symbolises small butterflies flying up around the pole to become bigger butterflies flying off to their next destination. Victor has done an amazing job carving and putting the totem pole together. We are very grateful for the time he spent sharing his expertise with the children.”
The project wouldn’t have been possible without the donation of the cedar tree from AG Tree Services’ Alan Goldstone, the funding support from Patricia Fay Memorial Fund through The Arts Society Dorset Branch who worked tirelessly to fill out the grant forms. Also, the school sends a huge thank you to CG Fry and Son’s Jason Hockey who had the challenge of getting the totem pole into the school grounds and standing it up right!
Ann Acheson said: “The Arts Society Dorset County were approached by Damers School to help fund their wood carving workshop, and its resulting totem pole. Our remit is to give to The Arts and we were delighted that our help has enabled children to experience a new skill. It is our hope that this in turn will engender interest, and inspire other children and schools to engage in similar projects.”
Louise Greenham, Head of School said that she was so impressed with the project that saw such a coming together of different groups to make something so wonderful. “The totem pole sits in the grounds as an inspiring reminder of how each child can reach the heights!”