Dorset County Hospital Charity are delighted to have received a generous donation from the Dorset Young Farmers Club on behalf of one of their committee members.
The recent donation of £600 was presented to staff from the hospital’s Breast Care Team as a thank you for the care their County Organiser, Tracy Hounsome, recently received as a result of a breast cancer diagnosis at the end of last year.
Tracy said, “The support from everyone at the Breast Cancer Unit was amazing, from my surgeon to the cancer nurses, they were always friendly and approachable at every step of my care, with follow ups after each surgery and continued support thereafter. I would urge anyone who is asked to go for a Mammogram to do so, this was how my diagnosis was found, no lumps or bumps it is so important, and a few minutes out of your day is nothing compared to the outcomes. I was lucky that everything was found so early and that the Breast Cancer Team was supporting me straight away.“
The donation was made by Tracy, Amy Wonnacott, County Chairman, and Andy Seare, County President of the Dorset Young Farmers club after the funds were raised at their Entertainments Evening in December 2023. Tracy and her colleagues especially wanted to say thank you to Vivien Ng, breast care surgeon, and all the team who looked after her during her treatment.
In addition the Young Farmers presented the team with a fantastic hamper.
DCH Charity Fundraising Officer, Vicky Hunt, who organised the presentation said, “It was great to meet Tracy, Amy and Andy and to introduce them to the DCH team who had helped look after Tracy while she was receiving treatment. Our staff were very grateful for the donation and also the amazing hamper which will be shared with staff and patients on the Unit.”
The Dorset Young Farmers have previously supported Dorset County Hospital’s Greatest Need Appeal with a significant donation in 2023. On behalf of the hospital DCH Charity wishes to thank all the Young Farmers who supported the fundraising event and made this generous donation possible.
If you are interested in running a fundraising event on behalf of Dorset County Hospital please email a member of the Charity team on

Amy Wonnacott – Dorset Young Farmers County Chairman (far left). The lady in front of her in the foreground is Tracy Hounsome – County Organiser. Holding the other side of the cheque is Consultant Breast Surgeon Miss Vivien Ng and on the far right is Andy Seare – County President.