Weymouth Town Council agreed to increase its precept for the coming year, which will see residents pay an extra £1.50 a month on a Band D property.
The recommended precept of £3,899,180 for 2025/26 was agreed at Full Council on Wednesday 15th January. The £1.50 a month increase, or £18 a year towards services the Council provides across the town will come into effect from April.
The precept refers to the Town Council’s share of the council tax paid by residents and is used to maintain local services including parks, gardens and open spaces, events, cemeteries, allotments, the beach, and 10 public toilet facilities. The Council also give grants to local groups and supports community and safety initiatives across the town.
The budget proposals were also approved which will see the Town Council spend £4.6 million on its work for Weymouth over the coming year. The budgets are financed through a combination of income generation, service fees and charges, and the precept.
Cllr Jon Orrell, Mayor of Weymouth and Chair of Full Council, said: “In setting a balanced budget, we have tried to keep the increase in the precept for the year ahead as low as we can, after several years of no increases in rates despite costs rising. This will ensure we are able to protect the wide range of services the Town Council is responsible for including parks, gardens and open spaces, events, public toilets, play areas, community grants, allotments, and the beach and Promenade.”
For full details and to read the committee report, visit www.weytmouthtowncouncil.gov.uk/committee

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