Weymouth RNLI lifeboat is more than just the 30 volunteer operational lifeboat crews.
Behind them and supporting them is a number of other roles without which the station would not operate. In addition to a management team there is also a fund-raising team headed by Events Committee Chair Teresa Drage.
Teresa has just been awarded a framed Certificate for Excellence in Volunteering form the RNLI HQ at Poole.
She was presented with the certificate by Steve Renyard who is the Lifeboats Operation Manager, for Weymouth Lifeboat Station.
On presenting the certificate to Teresa he said, ”Teresa, it is an honour and a pleasure to present you with this Excellence in Volunteering award. Thank you for all that you do to support Weymouth lifeboat station and in particular your endeavour to raise the profile of the RNLI around the harbour, especially during these difficult times. On behalf of all the crew and officials thank you and congratulations on your award.”
Teresa said, ”Quite frankly I am overwhelmed with this award, I do what I do because I love doing it but it is amazing to be honoured like this. I want to thank Mo King-Readwin for nominating me and all the events team without which we wouldn’t be able to do what we do, and last but not the least all the supporters of Weymouth lifeboat station and the RNLI.”
Teresa also announced that the next fund-raising event would be the annual coffee morning, which will be on the 10th November in The Ocean Room of the Pavilion from 10.30am to 12.30pm.
Picture: Steve Renyard and Teresa Drage
Picture below: Coxswain Andy Sargent, Mo King- Readwin, Teresa Drage, Chrissie Paine, Steve Renyard