A popular Dorset artist has created a vibrant new mural on Kingfisher Children’s Ward at Dorset County Hospital.
Marina Renee-Cemmick grew up in Dorset, studying in Marshwood and then Hardye’s School in Dorchester before moving to Glasgow to study Painting at Glasgow School of Art (2018). An exciting artist, she has exhibited both nationally and internationally.
Marina is interested in paint and uses multiple techniques to produce eye-catching work with a real attention to detail. Underpinning all her work is a drawing practice which remains at the core of investigating and representing the spaces she inhabits and draws inspiration from.
This strong artistic practice foundation can be seen in the stunning new mural that Marina has created on the Kingfisher ward at Dorset County Hospital.
In collaboration with the staff and children of Kingfisher ward, the Mural, with images of tigers, rainforest frogs, fish, octopi, penguins and of course a kingfisher, was completed over the course of a week this summer.
Marina Rennee-Cemmick said,
“It was really a pleasure to do and a joy having everyone involved. I would not have managed to do a 50 ft wall in four-and-a-half days without them! It was wonderful to see how much it means to everyone, and how engaged the children and staff were.”
Sarah Woodward, Kingfisher Matron said,
“Everybody (on the ward) got involved and had a go, we felt a real part of the project. We have a consultant who loves penguins, so Marina added a penguin in for us!
“It’s lovely to see young people coming through the corridors pointing at all the different animals and counting them. It creates a really positive feel for everybody on the ward.”
This artwork was made possible by the generous support of The Arts Society, Dorset County.
A representative of the Arts Society said,
“The charitable aim of the Arts Society is to support the arts and we in the Dorset County branch are delighted to fund the new mural in the Children’s Kingfisher Ward. We knew from the outset that Marina Renee-Cemmick’s creativity would not disappoint, as we have supported her studies and amazing talent in the past. We could not be more pleased to see this mural come to fruition, and to know that it will give pleasure for ongoing years to the many young patients who will visit Kingfisher Ward. It gives us particular pleasure too that the ward staff have been so invested in this project.”
If you would be interested in supporting further arts projects or have any queries, please contact artsinhospital@dchft.nhs.uk