Dorchester Christmas Cracker has been cancelled this year in line with current Covid-19 guidance and future uncertainty.
Steve Bulley – Chair Christmas Cracker Committee said: “The Dorchester Cracker event will return in 2021 and we have a provisional date Sunday 12 December. We intend to make this an all-day event with more stalls and entertainment for the whole family. We anticipate closing High East/West Street to create a safe area for vendors to have stalls.”
The Cracker can be traced back 26 years and was originally a Victorian themed evening to promoted late night shopping. Over the years it has seen crowds of over 3,000 in the town and has become a major family event for Dorchester. The event is organised by volunteers from the Dorchester Chamber for Business, The Dorchester BiD, Dorchester Town Council and representatives from community groups.
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