Teachers dressed as farmers, livestock on site and a giant tractor greeted children at The Prince of Wales School in Dorchester as they arrived at school on Monday 28th September 2020. Deputy Headteacher, Miss Ann Johnson explains, ‘It was all in aid of launching our ‘Food and Farming Fortnight’, an annual event here at The Prince of Wales School. Over the coming two weeks, all children across the school will be involved in a range of activities that will help them to engage with the countryside, learn about the science behind farming and consider if food production in the UK is sustainable’.
Activities planned will see every child visiting a working farm, Maiden Castle Farm in Dorchester. Children will also get the opportunity to press apples from the school’s on-site orchard, make their very own sausages and interview a farmer live via video conferencing.
The school has taken a number of enhanced measures to ensure their annual events are ‘COVID-Secure’ and will be running their first ever ‘Virtual Harvest Festival’ to close the fortnight and celebrate all the deep learning from across the school and on-site Pre-School.
Speaking about the fortnight and in particular about the inspiring launch, Year 1 pupil Jacob said, “It’s very exciting. I love the big green tractor! We are looking forward to going to Maiden Castle Farm”.