Dorset’s amazing children in care and their wonderful foster families have been celebrated at the Dorset Star Awards.
The awards, which are hosted by Dorset Council, celebrate our children’s achievements, as well as recognising the great work done by our foster families.
This year the awards had to be virtual, but 87 certificates celebrating children’s successes were still given out – albeit by post. The awards also recognised the brilliant achievements of our Dorset Care Leavers, including recent university graduations.
Cllr Andrew Parry, Dorset Council Portfolio Holder for Children, Education and Early Help, who was one of the hosts at the ceremony, said: “Brilliant, Bold, amazing, wonderful, brave – these were just some of the words used to describe our children in care and our care leavers. I am so proud of them all.
“The awards also gave us the opportunity to pay tribute to our wonderful foster carers and their families, who provide such brilliant care and support to our children. I thank them from the bottom of my heart. It was a very moving occasion, full of very well-deserved tributes.”
The ceremony on Saturday (10th) featured a display by Dorset Music Service. Tributes were also so made by Cllr Parry, Matt Prosser, Chief Executive of Dorset Council, Theresa Leavy, Executive Director for People – Children and Jo Thompson, Fostering Engagement Officer.
Could you join our wonderful Dorset Fostering Family?
Listen to this informative interview with Jo Thompson from Foster in Dorset which was part of Local Radio Day
We need more great people to find out about fostering a Dorset Child.
You can find out a little more about a career in fostering by visiting or @fosterindorset on Facebook, or search #FosteringPays on social media.
Everyone is also welcome to join a friendly drop-in chat about fostering on Zoom. The next one will be on Friday 16 October at midday and the Zoom meeting id is: 880 942 6959.
You can also find out more and hear from our wonderful carers by signing-up for our free ‘Foster Carers’ enewsletter here.