Wessex Water is helping customers save water and money in their bathrooms by offering free Leaky Loo strips.
A leaking toilet can waste 200 to 400 litres of water a day. If you’re on a water meter, this could increase your yearly water bill by around £300.
Leaky Loo strips are among the water saving devices available to supply customers who sign up to Wessex Water’s GetWaterFit calculator.
Kathy Thornton, Customer Insight and Engagement Manager at Wessex Water, said: “Water trickling down the back of the toilet plan is often silent, so it’s common for leaking toilets to go unnoticed.
“We recommend checking your toilet regularly to see if you have a leak. If you find one, you should contact a plumber to come and fix it as soon as possible.
“Also, by signing up to GetWaterFit, our handy water calculator, customers can order free Leaky Loo strips to help them detect toilet leaks, as well as finding out about other easy ways to save water around the home and garden.”
Here’s how to check if your toilet has a leak:
- Flush your toilet and then leave it for 15 to 30 minutes.
- Dry the back of the toilet pan with a piece of toilet paper.
- Apply a Leaky Loo strip or piece of toilet paper to the back of the pan and then wash your hands.
- Leave your toilet alone for three to four hours and then check for the following:
If the Leaky Loo strip or piece of paper remained dry, you don’t have a leak.
If the Leaky Loo strip has changed in colour or the piece of paper has become wet, you most likely have a leak.
For more information about Wessex Water’s GetWaterFit, visit www.wessexwater.co.uk/getwaterfit
The images below demonstrate how to use the Leaky Loo strips