Today – Mike Burks, Managing Director of the Gardens Group, which includes Poundbury Garden Centre, on how we can try and keep our precious garden plants in good health in all the unpredictable weather that climate change is throwing at us • Jane Adams, speaking from personal experience of being a carer on just how good getting out into nature and the countryside is for you – and how that led to her greater knowledge and love of wildlife and the outdoors • And Dr. Whitney Fleming of Bangor University and her colleagues have conducted a fascinating study that’s shown that even just looking at greenery and nature lifts people’s moods and helps stave off depression. In other words, they showed that to be so much better than looking at grey urban and treeless landscapes! • Finally, Professor Sara Goodacre – spider expert and enthusiast – on some of the amazing camouflage found in the spider world • Presented by Jenny Devitt.

Jenny Devitt