Sherborne ecologist Simon Ford talks about why birds migrate and what triggers migration. He also touches on the sea creatures that migrate round British shores.
Entomologist Dr. Christopher Terrell Nield waxes lyrical on spiders, and why we tend to see them more often in the autumn than at any other time of year: why they’re bigger, and why some species can “walk” on water. He also reads out a wolf spider poem he wrote!
Dorset wildlife writer Jane Adams loves hoverflies, and talks about some of the more unusual ones: such as the big, boldly striped hornet hoverfly that looks very like a hornet. Not just that, but it flies like a hornet, too!
And Dr. Easkey Britton, five times Irish woman surf champion, and scientist, talks about ocean or blue therapy, and explains just why bathing in the sea is so good for you, not just for your body, but also for your mental health.
Countryside Matters is produced and presented by Jenny Devitt.

Jenny Devitt