Dorset Council is urging private landlords and owners of second homes to come forward if they can provide suitable accommodation for the Afghan relocation scheme.
The takeover of Afghanistan by the Taliban has prompted a mass evacuation of Afghan citizens and a government relocation scheme has recently been announced to help eligible families remain safe following their service to UK troops and the UK government.
Dorset Council has pledged to support the scheme, which is being funded by the UK government.
The council will not use accommodation, such as social housing, intended for Dorset families on the housing register or for people who are homeless. Dorset Council is seeking offers of additional privately owned, self-contained accommodation to house families under this scheme.
Self-contained family homes needed
The council is looking for a range of homes of varying sizes, particularly larger family homes that are available for at least 12 months.
These need to be self-contained properties as opposed to offers of spare rooms or house sharing.
Cllr Graham Carr-Jones, Dorset Council’s portfolio holder for Housing and Community Safety said:
“Everyone will have seen the heart-breaking and distressing events currently unfolding in Afghanistan and Dorset Council is supporting the government’s scheme to resettle eligible families safely in the UK.
“People are asking how they can help. The single thing we need right now is offers of suitable accommodation, but this needs to be balanced with existing high levels of demand for housing in our area.
“That’s why we are specifically looking for private landlords or owners of second homes to come forward rather than asking social housing providers.
“I am acutely aware of the demand for emergency accommodation for local families on our housing register and in temporary accommodation. I want to reassure people in this situation that they will not be disadvantaged by the work we are doing to help the government resettle Afghan families.”
Tell us if you have a suitable property
If you are a private landlord or own a second home and may be able to help with any of our housing needs, please contact
Dorset Council will work with property owners on all aspects of setting up the tenancy and support the family to settle in when they arrive. There will be central government assistance for initial rent and deposits until the families are settled.
On arrival families will have a caseworker to provide support to settle in the home and local area.