A consultation has opened inviting residents, local MP’s, councillors and community groups within the Dorset Council area to have their say on the location and suitability of their polling station.
A consultation has opened inviting residents, local MP’s, councillors and community groups within the Dorset Council area to have their say on the location and suitability of their polling station.
The consultation began on Tuesday 3 October and will be open for 6 weeks, closing on Monday 13 November 2023.
Polling stations are rooms or areas within a polling place where voting is carried out and they should be within easy reach of all electors from across the polling district. Polling districts are designated areas within wards that determine which polling station voters are assigned to and are also being reviewed. There are several such districts in each ward. The list of approved polling districts and stations will then be published in February and the local elections on Thursday 2 May 2024 will be run on the new arrangements.
Voters are urged to check their poll cards carefully when they are sent out in March as their polling station may have changed.
A report on the feedback given will be considered at the meeting of the Full Council on 14 December 2023.
Matt Prosser, Dorset Council’s Electoral Registration Officer, said:
“It is paramount that our polling stations are suitable to meet the needs of our residents.
“We want them to be as accessible as possible to allow everyone wishing to cast a vote during any election to do so. With local elections scheduled for next year we want to ensure we have the most appropriate polling stations in place. I would urge residents to have a look at the proposals and take part in this consultation.”
More information about the proposals and the survey can be found on our website (dorsetcouncil.gov.uk/w/review-of-polling-districts-and-polling-places). If you need the consultation in another format, please email elections@dorsetcouncil.gov.uk or call 01305 838299.