Local residents and businesses are being invited to help shape a Dorchester town centre master plan.
Pop in to the Council offices at South Walks House, Dorchester DT1 1UZ at any time to view the work in progress on the following dates:
* Thursday 15 November – 6pm to 9pm (presentations by Feria Urbanism at 6:30pm and 8pm)
* Friday 16 November – 10am to 4pm (presentations at 10:30am, 12:30pm and 2:30pm)
* Saturday 17 November – 10am to 1pm (presentations at 10:30am and 12pm)
Your comments will help us, at this very early stage of the master plan’s development, consider these issues and the overall vision for the County town of Dorset.
The master plan aims to take a comprehensive approach to the future of the town centre. Organisations will need to work together and this is why an overarching town centre master plan is important.
The master plan will address:
*public realm and signage
*traffic and transport
*environmental impacts
*key development sites
Learn more at dorsetforyou.com/dorchesterdevelopments